Dr. Humair Siddiqui

Dr Humair Siddiqui, CarbonScape materials engineer, producing sustainable biographite for EV lithium-ion batteries.


Humair has a diverse background in novel materials, focusing strongly on the design and development of nanomaterials such as graphene, CNTs, and silver nanoparticles. He is well-versed in a variety of materials characterisations, particularly X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, vibrational spectroscopy, and thermal characterisation.

Humair has many years of experience in academic research around designing and developing materials for various applications like self-healing concrete, geopolymer, wood-plastic composite, and shape memory alloy. He is highly experienced at materials failure analysis and deploying corrosion prevention techniques.

Humair defended his PhD thesis, based on upcycling waste bovine bones and plant fibres to create a bio-ceramic composite, in 2022.


Dr. Daria Surovtseva